An "Elimination Sort" is a somewhat farcical sorting algorithm which starts with the leftmost element and keeps subsequent elements that are at least as large as the previous kept element, discarding all other elements. For example:
EliminationSort 1 3 7 3 5 8 5 8 1 6 1 8 1 10 8 4 3 4 1 4 1 3 7 8 8 8 10
Write a function that:
Hint: The progressive-maxima idiomatic phrase ⌈\, the greater or equal function ≥, and the replicate function / could be helpful in solving this problem.
(your_function) ⍳10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (your_function) 2 1 4 3 6 5 8 7 10 9 2 4 6 8 10 (your_function) 1000 2500 1333 1969 3141 2345 3141 4291.9 4291.8 4292 1000 2500 3141 3141 4291.9 4292 EliminationSort 1 3 7 3 5 8 5 8 1 6 1 8 1 10 8 4 3 4 1 4 1 3 7 8 8 8 10
The find function X⍷Y identifies the beginnings of occurrences of array X in array Y.
In this problem, you're asked to return a result that identifies the endings of occurrences of array X in array Y. To keep things simple, X and Y will be at most rank 1, meaning they'll either be vectors or scalars.
Write a function that:
Hint: The find function ⍷ and reverse function ⌽ could be helpful in solving this problem.
'abra' (your_function) 'abracadabra' 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 'issi' (your_function) 'Mississippi' 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 'bb' (your_function) 'bbb bbb' 0 1 1 0 0 1 1
(,42) (your_function) 42 0 42 (your_function) 42 1 (,42) (your_function) ,42 1
'are' 'aquatic' (your_function) 'ducks' 'are' 'aquatic' 'avians' 0 0 1 0
A Caesar cipher, also known as a shift cipher, is one of the simplest encryption techniques. In a Caesar cipher, each letter in the plaintext is replaced by a letter some fixed number of positions away in the alphabet, effectively "shifting" the alphabet.
Write a function that:
Hint: The rotate function ⌽ could be helpful in solving this problem.
4 (your_function) 'HELLO WORLDS' LIPPSD SVPHW ¯4 (your_function) 'HELLO WORLDS' ⍝ negative shifts are okay DAHHKWSKNH O 0 (your_function) 'HELLO WORLDS' ⍝ no shift is okay HELLO WORLDS 27 (your_function) 'HELLO WORLDS' HELLO WORLDS ¯10 (your_function) '' ⍝ returns an empty vector
One common software version numbering scheme is known as "semantic versioning". Typically, semantic versioning uses three numbers representing a major version number, a minor version number, and a build number.
Write a function that:
if the left argument represents a version number older than the right argument 0
if the left argument represents a version number equal to the right argument 1
if the left argument represents a version number newer than the right argumentHint: The less function < could be helpful in solving this problem.
1 2 3 (your_function) 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 (your_function) 1 0 9 1 14 2 11 (your_function) 14 2 12 ¯1
The board game Risk is a game of world domination where opposing players roll dice to determine the outcome of one player's armies attacking another's. The attacker can roll up to three 6-sided dice and the defender can roll up to two 6-sided dice. The resulting rolls are then individually compared from highest to lowest. If the attacker's die value is greater than the defender's, the defender loses one army. If the defender's die value is greater than or equal to the attacker's, the attacker loses one army. If one player rolls more dice than the other other player, the additional dice are not considered in the evaluation. For this problem, we'll generalize the task by allowing any number of dice for either the attacker or defender, and any integer values in the arguments.
Write a function that:
Note: The left and right arguments do not need to be the same length.
Hint: The less function < could be helpful in solving this problem.
6 6 4 2 1 (your_function) 6 5 5 ⍝ attacker loses 2 armies, defender loses 1 army 2 1 6 (your_function)⍥, 5 ⍝ ⍥, ravels both arguments (making them vectors) before passing them to your function 0 1 4 0 ¯1 (your_function) 3 1 ¯2 1 2
Representing data as key/value pairs (also known as name/value pairs) is a very common technique. For example, it can be found in query strings in HTTP URIs, attribute settings in HTML elements, and in JSON objects. One common representation for a key/value pair is to have a character key (name) followed by an equals sign (=) followed by the value. Multiple key/value pairs can be separated by a delimiter character or characters. For example:
Write a function that:
Note: You may assume that there will be no empty names or values in the right argument.
Hint: The partition function ⊆ could be helpful in solving this problem.
⍴ ⎕← ' ='(your_function)'language=APL dialect=Dyalog' ┌────────┬──────┐ │language│APL │ ├────────┼──────┤ │dialect │Dyalog│ └────────┴──────┘ 2 2 ⍴ ⎕← ';:'(your_function)'duck:donald' ┌────┬──────┐ │duck│donald│ └────┴──────┘ 1 2 ⍴ ⎕← '/:'(your_function)'name:Morten/name:Brian/name:Adám' ┌────┬──────┐ │name│Morten│ ├────┼──────┤ │name│Brian │ ├────┼──────┤ │name│Adám │ └────┴──────┘ 3 2
A rational number is a number that can be expressed as the quotient of 2 integers p÷q — a numerator p and a denominator q. For example, for 1.5, p and q would be 3 and 2, respectively.
Write a function that:
Hint: The Lowest Common Multiple function ∧ or Greatest Common Divisor function ∨ could be helpful in solving this problem.
(your_function) 1.2 6 5 (your_function) 3.5 7 2 (your_function) ÷3 1 3
The biorhythm theory is a pseudo-scientific idea that one’s life is affected by three rhythmic cycles beginning from one’s date of birth. The cycles are:
“Critical days” are days when a cycle crosses the x-axis in either direction and are purported to be accompanied by unstable conditions in the corresponding area. A “double critical day” occurs when two of the three cycles cross the x-axis on the same day. Starting from one’s birthdate, double critical days occur on multiples of the least common multiple of the half of the periodicities of the two involved cycles. Thus Physical-Emotional, Physical-Intellectual and Emotional-Intellectual double critical days can be calculated respectively using multiples of:
23 23 28∧⍥(÷∘2)28 33 33
322 379.5 462
Fortunately, the dreaded “triple critical day”, when all three cycles cross the x-axis on the same day, only occurs every (∧/23 28 33÷2)
or 10,626 days (a bit more than 29 years).
Write a function that:
Note: All the dates in this specification are to be in the form year month day
Hint: The date time system function ⎕DT and residue function | could be helpful in solving this problem.
1962 10 31 (your_function) 2023 1 1
2023 2 4
1961 2 23 (your_function) 1961 2 23 ⍝ one's birthdate is a triple critical day
1961 2 23
This problem has no practical use in the real world (that the author can think of) other than to give your array manipulation muscles some exercise.
Write a function that:
Hint: Either the reverse function ⌽ used with the partitioned enclose function ⊂, or the grade up function ⍋ used with the index function ⌷, could be helpful in solving this problem.
(your_function) ⍳10 2 1 4 3 6 5 8 7 10 9 (your_function) ⍳9 2 1 4 3 6 5 8 7 9 (your_function) 4 2⍴⍳8 2 1 4 3 6 5 8 7 (your_function) 4 3⍴⍳12 2 1 3 5 4 6 8 7 9 11 10 12 (your_function) 3 3 3⍴⍳27 2 1 3 5 4 6 8 7 9 11 10 12 14 13 15 17 16 18 20 19 21 23 22 24 26 25 27 (your_function) 2 3⍴'donald' 'duck' 'wrote' 'some' 'good' 'APL' ┌────┬──────┬─────┐ │duck│donald│wrote│ ├────┼──────┼─────┤ │good│some │APL │ └────┴──────┴─────┘
Splitting delimited data into sub-arrays using partitioning on a delimiter character (or characters) is a fairly common operation in APL. For instance, if you partition the character vector 'this is an example' on each occurrence of the space character, there would be 4 sub-arrays: 'this' 'is' 'an' 'example'. This problem adds a slight twist to the operation in that the left argument indicates how many sub-arrays to return.
Write a function that:
Note: Each space in string be considered as a delimiter. This means that leading, trailing, or contiguous spaces are potentially significant.
Hint: The partitioned enclose function ⊂ could be helpful in solving this problem.
1 (your_function) 'this is a sample' ┌────────────────┐ │this is a sample│ └────────────────┘ 2 (your_function) 'this is a sample' ┌────┬───────────┐ │this│is a sample│ └────┴───────────┘ 4 (your_function) 'this is a sample' ┌────┬──┬─┬──────┐ │this│is│a│sample│ └────┴──┴─┴──────┘ ⍴¨4 (your_function) 'this is a sample' ⍝ each sub-array is a vector ┌─┬─┬─┬─┐ │4│2│1│6│ └─┴─┴─┴─┘ 13 (your_function) ' this is a sample ' ⍝ note the leading, trailing, and multiple interior spaces ┌┬┬────┬┬──┬┬─┬──────┬┬┬┬┬┐ │││this││is││a│sample││││││ └┴┴────┴┴──┴┴─┴──────┴┴┴┴┴┘ 0 (your_function) 'this is a sample' ⍝ returns an empty vector 4 (your_function) '' ┌┬┬┬┐ │││││ └┴┴┴┘